
What we Do

PiP encourages and supports the development of a collaberative approach to the delivery and improvement of services for children and young people, with an overall aim of improving outcomes of care.

We believe by working together we can achieve great things.


Aims and Objectives

To work togther to improve the care for children and young people and remain totally committed to our continuing mission.


Who we Are (Core Group)

The PiP core group is made up of paid contributors that manage the day to day work priorites, support networks, education and facilitate the development of the paediatric guidelines.

The Core Group are accountabe to the Board of Members, this is made up of clinical, nurse and opertaion leads from all PiP member organsiations. Board meetings are held twice a year, once in April and again in October as part of our annual conference and AGM. It is expected that at a minimum one board member from each of our member organisations attend.

Please see ‘News and Events’ for further details


Member Directory

All NHS, social care organisations and voluntary / charitable organisations involved in, or concerned with the provision, commissioning or regulation of services for children and young people are eligible to become a member.

As well as full membership package we now have an Associate membership package available.  Please contact us to discuss.


